On Saturday 15th October at the Mermaid Theatre Blackfriars UK Autism Charity ‘Anna Kennedy Online’ once again, showcased talented autistic children and adults for the world-renowned ‘Autism’s Got Talent!’.
This was a fabulous event not only for the audience but also those performers coming together to join us on this central London stage.
Anna Kennedy OBE and her team of volunteers were very proud to bring together now in their eleventh year a diverse group of individuals from across the UK who are all on the Autistic Spectrum.

There were many standing ovations on the night for our performers the 650 seated full theatre were blown away and many clearly moved by the performers singing, dancing, a drummer, a magician and so much more.
Anna Kennedy believes:
‘Too often some people in our society make the mistake of thinking that our children and adults on the autism spectrum are not capable of much……well HOLD THE PRESS……. we are showing everyone just what all our performers CAN do and just how amazing they are at it!!
We wanted people to see the show or hear and read about it from others so they stop and understand just how capable that person they always ignore or walk past really could be. Sometimes small reasonable adjustments can make a HUGE difference within society so that they can navigate this world just like everyone else.
Everyone was welcome and we did our very best to ensure that the evening was open to all. This is not just a performance for those on the spectrum to appear in but also for those that can, to come and join us in the audience to enjoy themselves and be inspired to start building on their own talent. A few parents have already messaged Anna to share their children are inspired to send their entries in for next years at our main event in London.
This was a proud night for Anna and her team of volunteers as well as the performers and their family and friends with many a laugh and lots of fun enjoyed by all.
Application process for 2023 now open roll-on 2023 and show us your Talent!